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February 2015

Change In The Social-Media Wind For Retailers
Social Media Education for Retailers Concerning Coming Changes

Facebook has announced that it is changing its policy on promotional posts in such a way that it will be more difficult for businesses to post promotions on Facebook without paying. In a blog video by Crystal Vilkaitis of Crystal Media, she explains that, "beginnning January, 25, 2015, overly promotional posts, posts that are all about you, your products, sales 'Come In Today'; those are no longer going to get free organic reach," meaning the fans of your Facebook page will not automatically see the post in their News Feed." (see below for a special offer from Crystal Media*)

Crystal Media Video Blog on Facebook Policy ChangesConcerning this development, WebProNews.Com recently interviewed Dovev Goldstein, CEO of, which provides social media advertising services.

"For brands who have put all their efforts into developing and growing a community on Facebook, the decline of organic reach feels like being denied access to their own fans. Brands now have to work harder to reach their target audiences, or, they simply have to cough up the money," Goldstein says. "For big brands with deep pockets, this might be less of a problem, but for small to medium businesses, this new development can seem to pose a big barrier to making social media work for them."

Vilkaitis says there are still a lot of unknowns regarding the new Facebook policy, but she outlines five ways to adapt to the changes and continue using Facebook to promote your business successfully. Crystal is a social media consultant who teaches stores to use social media, email and mobile marketing through online training courses.

*OmegaNet (the publisher of this newsletter) has partnered with Crystal Media to help retailers who need social media education and want to take their online marketing to the next level. There will be a free webinar in March and retailers can save $200 off a year-long membership in Crystal Media's Social Edge (; use code "omeganet"). Social Edge will teach you how to effectively market your store using social media, email & mobile marketing through online training courses you can watch at your own pace.

Crystal Media not only has almost a decade of social media experience, they specialize in the retail industry working exclusively with independent retailers and with manufacturers who need to use social media to connect with retail customers and/or build consumer brand awareness. To learn more about Crystal Media visit

Quick Industry News

New Wire Wrapped Bangles from Calypso Studios PRODUCT INTRODUCTIONS

New Wire Wrapped Bangles from Calypso Studios

Calypso Studios is proud to introduce the company's new Wire Wrapped Bangle Collections. There are more than ten collections to choose from! Each come in two different sizes - 2.5-in. and 2.7-in. Calypso Studios creates affordable fashion, faith, and just-for-fun jewelry, bags, and more. Calypso's 2015 catalog includes a wide range of wire wrapped bangles, stylish cork and quatrefoil bags, and vibrant comforting clay crosses- all at affordable prices!


Vinrella Vinrella is one of several new CAMEO EZ© wholesale websites. Vinrella is the newest on-trend design for an umbrella around. Any traditional umbrella will shield you from outdoor conditions, but Vinrella does it in style. The sleek, high-quality design of our product won’t let you down. The company says, "Remember that there are lots of copy cats out there, but we are the first true American company reinventing the umbrella."

CAMEO EZ© is the B2B e-commerce system developed by OmegaNet Inc., publisher of this newsletter, for use by retailers in ordering inventory for their stores. A partial list of CAMEO EZ sites can be found at the company's portals such as,,,,, and A complete list of sites is available in the "Directory" on